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It’s always a great idea to look ahead to social media holidays that fit your interests and values. Take a look at the social media holidays for July 2022. July 1: National Postal Worker Day #NationalPostalWorkerDay July 2: World UFO Day #WorldUFODay July 4: Independence Day (United States) July 7: World Chocolate Day #WorldChocolateDay July 8: National Video Games Day #NationalVideoGamesDay July 11: Cheer […]
If you’re like me, Instagram Reels feels more like an obligation than a fun way to show up on social media. The fact is, Reels will accelerate your growth on Instagram and put you in front of new audiences, so I do make sure to show up on Reels every so often. However, the good […]
Yes, you’re in the business of selling houses, but make sure you’re marketing yourself too! By marketing yourself I mean SHOWING people you are the go-to Realtor in your area. Your audience needs to see why they should choose to work with you instead of the agent next door. Here’s how you do this: ➡️ […]
It’s always a great idea to look ahead to social media holidays that fit your interests and values. Take a look at the social media holidays for May 2022. May 1: May Day #MayDay May 1: International Workers Day #IntWorkersDay May 3: World Press Freedom Day #WPFD2022 #PressFreedom May 3: World Asthma Day (First Tuesday of May) #WorldAsthmaDay May 3: National Teacher Appreciation Day (first […]
Do you ever go weeks without posting on social media? I hear this from real estate agents all the time ⬇️ 😫 I don’t know what to post 😫 I don’t have the time to post 😫 Social media is a full-time job! I get it and I totally agree! Social media is a BIG […]
As a real estate agent, I know you are BUSY. That’s exactly why I recommend planning and scheduling your social media posts ahead of time using Facebook’s Creator Studio. This allows you to create and schedule posts for both your Facebook and Instagram business pages inside of Facebook. Here’s My Step-By-Step Guide for Scheduling Posts: […]
Got 5 minutes to optimize your Instagram profile? This quick tutorial for realtors shows how to become more searchable on Instagram, as well as how to appear professional and well-branded. Video Training – How to Optimize Your Instagram Profile for Real Estate And before you go… grab our 10 FREE Canva templates for realtors to […]
This video tutorial shows how you can customize Canva templates to fit your real estate brand. Video Training – How to Create Branded Content in Canva Plus, grab our 10 FREE Canva templates for realtors to customize and post to your social media pages.
March is Women’s History Month! Here are Some Ways to Support Women on Social Media ✨Support female entrepreneurs by liking their content and engaging with them ✨Listen to and share podcasts ✨Support a women’s nonprofit organization ✨Tag women-owned businesses ✨Share your favorite books by female authors ✨Brush up on current issues and take action ✨Create […]